No vote, no voice - make sure you register

Published on 18 September 12

To make sure you have your say and can vote at future elections, you must fill in an Electoral Registration form – these have recently been sent out to all Manchester households.

It is a legal requirement to return a form each year. You must register to vote if you are living at an address in Manchester and are a British or Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of the Irish Republic or any other European Union state and are either 18 years old or older.

Failure to register carries penalties and may have other impacts such as adversely affecting your credit rating.

Most importantly, if you don’t register, you won't be able to vote.

The next election is on 15 November to choose the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner, so don’t lose your voice.  

Complete and return your form today for your household. Annual Registration Inspectors will be calling at all properties who don’t return their form throughout September, to make sure that everyone eligible is included on the register.


Top tip 1: You can register at home and at University at the same time as long as these addresses are not both in the Manchester City Council area.

Top tip 2: If you live in Halls this does not affect you as you will be automatically registered.


If you have any queries please phone: Electoral Services Unit on 0161-234-1212 or check the website.

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