Funding to help you travel

Published on 5 December 12

Global Impact Award

The Alumni Association is offering Global Impact Awards of £250 to help you bring practical or social benefits to an international community.

You could be eligible to receive a Global Impact Award if:

Applications for this award must be received by Friday 11th January 2013. To find out how to apply for this award contact email

Travel Awards

The University also offers three travel awards annually for students wishing to travel either as part of their course or during university holidays.

Zochonis Travel Award

The Zochonis Special Enterprise Fund has given over £26 million in grants to regional, national and international causes. Awards will be made to assist currently registered students with the cost of a project or special study which demonstrates enterprise or originality of thought in planning and execution.

Olivia's trip to South America

Oliva (Social Science & Religious Studies & Comparative Religion) received £1,550 which she used to travel around South America.

The full report can be found here.

H.E. David Travel Award

The purpose of the H.E. David Scholarship is to foster international understanding and goodwill by enabling members of the University to travel and study in foreign countries.  H.E. David Scholarships and Bursaries are different from Zochonis Special Enterprise Awards as they give preference to applications to travel and study in Europe and they are open to students who have completed two full years of study and recent graduates of the university.

Pawel Koprowski Award

With the Pawel Koprowski award, you can apply for a grant to support your vacation activity. It can be used for an experience which will enhance your studies or for a holiday. This grant is very competitive so applications need to be original and show initiative.

For more details about these awards, including how to apply, click here.

Jessica's Journey

Jessica (Literary Studies & Drama & Philosophy) received £650 from the Zochonis Travel award which she used to volunteer in Mozambique for four weeks.

The full report can be found here.

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