Interested in Environmental issues?

Published on 8 November 12

The Environmental Sustainability Team is looking to recruit 30 Green Impact Project Assistants to support University staff teams in becoming more environmentally sustainable.

As a voluntary initiative, there is massive flexibility for you to make best use of your current skills (writing, art and design, events management, leadership etc), in order to support and motivate staff to deliver Green Impact. You will be helping the teams of Green Impact to achieve the most out of the project, whilst enabling yourself to gain workplace experiences and greater environmental awareness.

What is Green Impact?

Green Impact is a nationally run environmental accreditation scheme with a competitive streak. Run by NUS in more than 50 Universities and Colleges, and in its fourth year already at The University of Manchester, the project encourages staff and students to lead the way towards achieving positive environmental changes and impacts. This scheme is aimed at celebrating and recognising environmental achievements whilst also providing the institution, its staff and its students with a framework to improve our environmental performance.

You will have the opportunity to obtain hands-on environmental experience and gain skills and professional exposure that will enhance your employability. You will also have the chance to encourage people to think about the environment and help the University become more environmentally sustainable.

To apply or for further information about the scheme, please visit or contact

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