Show you support for Fairtrade

Published on 2 March 12

We're in the middle of Fairtrade Fortnight at the University – take a small step and help make a big difference

The Fairtrade foundation wants you to 'Take a Step in 2012' towards positive change to unfair trade.

Your step can be a small and simple one; just by swapping your usual sugar, tea, coffee or choice of nuts or bananas you help make a difference to whole communities. Feeling bigger and bolder? Why not get your all your friends and housemates to switch as well?

The University of Manchester is proud to have Fairtrade University Status from the Fairtrade Foundation and has a clearly defined policy on Fairtrade, part of its core commitment to Social Responsibility.To find out more, visit the University's Sustainability micro site.

Fairtrade farmers and workers have a better chance to work their way out of poverty as they receive fairer wages, as well as the Fairtrade Premium, which is a little extra to invest in improving life for the whole community. Each time someone chooses Fairtrade, that's one more step towards the better deal that millions of farmers and workers in developing countries urgently need.


What's happening on campus?

Every step counts – what will yours be? Add your step by registering online or on a special postcard today.


The University and the Students' Union is committed to selling Fairtrade all year round. Across campus you can always pick up a variety of Fairtrade products, including:

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from Monday 27 February to Sunday 11 March 2012



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