Coming soon: Swap your student card
Published on 21 March 12
If you are continuing your studies in Manchester from September 2012 onwards, it will soon be time to swap your existing student card for a new high-tech version.
Between Monday 23 April and Friday 4 May, students will be asked to swap their old cards at several convenient locations across campus, including University Place, the Main Library, and also Owens Park.
You will need one of the new cards, which use the latest technology, to gain access to University buildings and facilities, including the new £24m Alan Gilbert Learning Commons.
Doing it after Easter will mean it can be done quickly and easily, without having to endure standing in queues at a later date.
Keep reading your weekly My Manchester newsletter, watch your Inbox and keep your eyes peeled for the ‘swap me’ sign for more information on how and where you can get your new card.