PTES launch - Your turn to have your say

Published on 8 March 17

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) launched last week so if you’re eligible to complete this year’s survey you should have received your email by now.

Hopefully you’ve already completed your survey and had your say, but if not don’t forget to log in via the email or my logging into My Manchester.

The University takes part in PTES to ensure that we understand the differing experience of students as they undertake their Master’s.  As part of Your Say for Your Uni this, alongside other University-wide surveys (including the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey and NSS) are an important tools for you to have your voice heard.  The feedback is completely anonymous and positive or not, listened to.  However, we need as many of you as possible to complete the survey to give us the clearer picture of what is working, and just as importantly what isn’t.

By understanding your experience, how you are finding things like your workload, the facilities you have access to and the quality of your feedback, we can make sure that our resources and efforts to improve the student experience are focussed in the right way.

University-wide changes have been made to facilities, services or learning experiences as a result of feedback and include things like improvements to feedback times and the creation of the Atrium, and welcome desk in University Place - creating a one-stop-shop for information, advice and guidance services. At course level there are examples of the introduction of work experience placements, the movement of course handbooks online and improvements to social spaces – developments all  instigated by the feedback of the students on those courses.

For further information about Your Say for Your Uni visit the Your Say website.  If you have any questions about the survey and about how we use the feedback we get to improve your student experience, you can email


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