Week issue

Your student life

10 things to do in Manchester when it rains!

As much as we love the city we call home, there’s no denying its rainy reputation! Packing an umbrella every morning (because you never know) and lazy Sunday’s spent indoors are second nature to us Mancunians. Let’s face it, a rainy day in Manchester is inevitable, so here’s 10 fool proof things to do when it does!

Your studies

Assignments: Use your feedback

Getting your marks back from an essay can be both amazing and demoralising - occasionally both! But don't just focus on your mark. You can get a lot of really useful information from your assignment feedback that will help you improve when it comes to write your next assignment or exam.

Get involved

Take part in the next series of University Challenge!

Do you always impress everyone with your general knowledge? Can you cope with facing Jeremy Paxman? Then why not apply for the next series of University Challenge!



How to get the best out of your supervisor relationship

Your relationship with your supervisor or supervisory team is vital to your research, to your progress and to your wellbeing whilst undertaking your PhD.

Your studies

How to talk to academics

Postgraduate study can mean a different kind of relationship with academics. You may well find yourself in smaller teaching groups; find that you need more advice on your assignments and certainly when it comes to your dissertation or final project you will be looking to your supervisor for advice, feedback and guidance. 

Get involved

Do you have a passion for writing, photography or video?

Do you have a passion for writing, photography or video?

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