Week issue

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Manchester Arena incident - information for students

As we continue to come to terms with the tragic events, we know that many of you have questions about how the University is responding.

Get involved

Top tips to avoid being hacked

As you will probably have heard, a number of organisations worldwide - including the NHS - have been affected by a ransomware attack, causing significant disruption to their computer systems.

Donate old textbooks to new students.

Textbook Rescue is back in a bid to save hundreds of unwanted textbooks from a life of gathering dust, bringing them out from under beds and back into the hands of students.

Changing how we log in, for extra security

We are introducing 2-factor authentication in the summer to protect some of our systems and services. This will change the way you login on your devices and will require all staff and postgraduate research students to get set up in advance. The change will not affect the way you login to teaching or cluster PCs.

9 things to cross off before you leave campus forever

You only have a couple of exams left and summer is in sight, but before you leave your student days behind you, have you completed your campus bucket list? From the Godlee Observatory to the best hot chocolate in the world – here's how to spend your time off these last few weeks.

Not ready to leave Manchester? Find a job with Manchester Graduate Talent

The myth that you have to move to London to find a decent graduate job is just that – a myth. As so many of our students want to stay in Manchester after they graduate, we are making it easier than ever by sourcing paid graduate-level jobs in the Greater Manchester area through our Manchester Graduate Talent (MGT) programme

Will you make the most of your summer break?

It may not feel like it with this typical Mancunian weather, but summer is fast approaching. You might already have something lined up for the break – an internship, some work experience, volunteering, a summer job or even some travelling – but whatever you have planned, the important thing is that you really get stuck in this summer and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

There are 100,000 students in Manchester, how will you vote this General Election?

On Thursday, 8th June, the country will turn out to decide who governs for the next five years. They'll decide whether tuition fees should go up, down, or be scrapped entirely. They'll make decisions about the future of the NHS, housing, how much tax we'll pay and everything in between. The deadline to register to vote is by midnight the 22nd May.

Secret study spots

You know how it is at this time of year. You need to get up at the crack of dawn to find your usual study spot in the library or YOUR computer in one of the clusters has been ‘taken’ by someone else. And you don’t even know them!

A lesson in study space etiquette

While it’s tempting to enjoy that crunchy bag of crisps, catch-up with your friend or listen to your favourite playlist on repeat, read some top tips on how not to annoy everyone in the library.


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