Try something new: Public engagement

Published on 3 November 16

Getting involved in public engagement might seem daunting if you've never done it, but it can help you, your research – and there are plenty of ways – big and small that you can begin to get involved.

What is Public Engagement?

It's involving non-academic audiences in your research, and where possible it's using those opportunities to generate two way conversations about your research.

Why do it?

Benefits to your research:

Benefits to your future

Without a doubt public engagement activities can enhance your CV in terms of transferable skills and give you lots to talk about in future interviews whether you're planning a career within or outside of academia:

Benefits to others

How to get involved:

There are lots of opportunities available throughout the University; events are often listed on Engagement Manchester Blog. Also it’s worth talking to your Researcher development team about specific schemes for PhD students in your faculty. Here’s round up of just a few University-wide opportunities specifically for PhD students:

Outside the University, interesting schemes include the brightclub, where comedy and postgraduate research meet, PubhD where you have 10 minutes to explain your research to a pub audience! If inspiring young people is where your interest lies – then check out the the brilliant club which places PhD students in secondary schools to deliver tutorials.

This is just a flavour of what's out there – but gives you an idea of the breadth activity going on.

Further information:


Public Engagement at Manchester

Researcher Development Teams

National co-ordinating centre for public engagement

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